A group of senior men meet with then Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick to explore the idea of a coalition focused on increasing women’s representation in leadership.
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They agreed to form the Male Champions of Change, (now known as the Champions of Change Coalition). The group was made up of 8 CEOs and Non-Executive Directors to form the Male Champions of Change Founding Group.
Members release their first report– a letter to business leaders titled Our experience in elevating the representation of women in leadership at a 300 person business forum.
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The Coalition continues to expand, as 5 new members join, bringing the Coalition to 13 members.
Members call for corporations to set and report against public targets for advancing women into leadership roles in response to the results of the 2012 EOWA (now WGEA).
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Members leverage research and focus groups to develop a 12-point plan – ideas to achieve significant and sustainable change in the representation of women in leadership in their organisations and across society.
The Coalition continues to expand, as 8 new members join, bringing the Coalition to 21 members.
Members release their 12-point plan as part of the Accelerating the advancement of women in leadership: Listening, Learning, Leading report.
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Members identified an interconnected set of high impact actions that leaders can take to drive progress. These actions fall into four key themes that later inform the Male Champions of Change Action Pillars:
- Stepping up as leaders
- Creating accountability
- Disrupting the status quo
- Dismantling barriers for carers
The Male Champions of Change partnered with Chief Executive Women (CEW) to launch a management model called The Leadership Shadow.
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The model helps leaders to listen, learn and lead by understanding the impact of their personal actions.
Male Champions of Change Founding Group release their first Annual Progress Report (2014) . The report summarised their 2014 results, progress and insights gained from the Male Champions of Change Strategy.
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Male Champions of Change host their first Leadership Forum, with over 750 of Australia’s most influential leaders gathered to reflect on the progress made, and the path forward, in tackling gender inequality in the workplace.
Male Champions of Change, in collaboration with Women’s Leadership Institute Australia (WLIA) and CEW launch The Panel Pledge guide (relaunched in 2019), to address the lack of gender balance at many high-profile conferences and events, particularly in regards to keynote speakers and panels.
In an Australian first, the Male Champions of Change release Playing Our Part: Workplace Responses to Domestic and Family Violence. The guide was developed with support from experts, to support workplaces in helping reduce the prevalence and impact of domestic and family violence.
The Coalition continues to expand, forming new Groups which included:
- Male Champions of Change National 2015
- Male Champions of Change Property
- Male Champions of Change Architecture
- Male Champions of Change Sport
In collaboration with CEW, Male Champions of Change release the report In the eye of the beholder: Avoiding the merit trap. The report explains how biases can influence the way merit is understood and applied, as well as practical actions leaders can take to avoid the merit trap.
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Male Champions of Change Sport Group launch the Women in Sport Sponsorship program. A Sponsorship Program developed by the Sport Group to accelerate the advancement of 40+ high-potential women in the Sport sector.
One year since releasing their first report on Domestic and Family Violence, Male Champions of Change release Playing our part: Lessons Learned from Implementing Workplace Responses to Domestic and Family Violence.
A new level of disclosure and accountability among members is achieved, as new groups join the Founding Group in releasing Annual Progress Reports. This includes:
- The first Male Champions of Change Property Progress Report – 2015
- The first Male Champions of Change Sport Progress Report – 2016
The Coalition continues to expand, new groups included:
- Male Champions of Change National 2016
- Male Champions of Change STEM
- Male Champions of Change Consult Australia
Male Champions of Change release the Closing the Gender Pay Gap report, which offers a step-by-step guide to ensuring equal pay for equal work.
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Male Champions of Change release the We set the tone: Eliminating everyday sexism report, providing practical everyday actions leaders can take to eliminate everyday sexism in the workplace.
Male Champions of Change Sport Group launch their Building a gender-balanced and inclusive presence: Test the messages you project report. A practical guide for reviewing the public ‘face’ of their organisation to ensure messages portrayed do not perpetuate or reinforce outdated stereotypes, language and imagery, unjustified gender imbalances, symbols of success and barriers to entry.
Groups continue to share progress via their Annual Progress Reports. This includes:
- The first Male Champions of Change National 2015 Progress Report – 2016
- The first Male Champions of Change STEM Progress Report – 2017
The Coalition continues to expand, new groups included:
- Male Champions of Change National 2017
- Male Champions of Change Fire and Emergency
In collaboration with CEW, Male Champions of Change release the report Backlash and Buy-in: Responding to the Challenges in Achieving Gender Equality. The report explains drivers of resistance to achieving gender equality. It shares organisations’ experiences in an effort to help others understand and address a range of responses to gender equality efforts.
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The Male Champions of Change Founding and STEM Groups launch the report A Gender Equal Future of Work. The report describes how leaders are challenging and transforming structures that perpetuate gender inequality as they plan for and manage rapid advances in technology, social and demographic shifts, and increasing consumer, citizen and stakeholder expectations.
Male Champion of Change share their annual progress in the first combined Male Champions of Change Impact Report (2018). The report includes data on key gender equality metrics across 142 organisations, representing 70% of the Coalition.
In addition to the combined Impact Report, individual groups continue to share progress via Group Progress Reports. This includes:
- The first Male Champions of Change Fire and Emergency Progress Report – 2018
The Coalition continues to expand, new groups included:
- Male Champions of Change Global Tech
- Male Champions of Change Pakistan
Male Champions of Change Sport develop a model to achieve equal base pay in sport; debunk arguments against equal pay for elite women; map the support required across the sports ecosystem; and self-assess each Member’s progress on pay equality. This is released in their Pathway to Pay Equality Elite Women Athletes report.
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Male Champions of Change STEM lead a major study to better understand how barriers to attracting, retaining and developing women in the STEM sector manifest; and practical actions they can lead to change the current course. They release their findings in the Harnessing Our Innovation Potential – Gender Equality in STEM report.
Male Champions of Change Property work across the Coalition to develop the 40:40:20 for gender balance – interrupting bias in your talent processes toolkit, to help leaders ensure they are avoiding the ‘merit trap’ and accessing the full talent pool in their talent processes. release their toolkit.
Male Champions of Change partner with broadcaster and Champions of Change Member SBS to develop a scalable online Inclusion Program covering topics including the case for change, pay equality, recruitment and promotions, sexual harassment and everyday sexism in the workplace.
Male Champions of Change share their annual progress in their second combined Male Champions of Change Impact Report. The report is believed to be one of the largest, voluntary public disclosures on gender equality in the workplace globally, representing 230 men and women CEO and Board-level leaders and organisations operating across 155 countries.
The Coalition continues to expand, new groups included:
- Male Champions of Change Philippines
- Male Champions of Change Insurance
- Male Champions of Change Health
In a world first, the Sport Group works with McKinsey & Company to develop and report against five key focus areas and more than 20 measures identified as critical in driving progress on gender equality including pay equality in sport, in their Pathway to gender equality in sport including pay equality report.
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Members shared their strategies and approaches in the Workplace responses to domestic and family violence during COVID-19 resource on how workplaces can support impacted employees and respond to domestic and family violence during the COVID-19 crisis.
Champions of Change Members develop the Practical Actions – Leading on gender during the COVID-19 pandemic resource. The resource focuses on Leadership; Accountability during change; Flexible work; physical, mental and emotional well-being of employees and domestic and family violence support.
The Coalition releases a resource on Accelerating change on flexible ways of working discussion paper to help organisations better understand the benefits of flexible ways of working and share 10 years of experience on how it can be effectively implemented.
Champions of Change, with the support of key partners, develop the Employees who use domestic & family violence: a workplace response resource to guide organisations in responding to employees who use domestic and family violence.
After extensive engagement with our employees, members and external experts, our Coalition developed and shared a roadmap Disrupting the System – Preventing and responding to sexual harassment in the workplace. It sets a new global standard that elevates the prevention of sexual harassment as a leadership and safety issue, and better respects and supports people impacted.
The Coalition continues to expand as we welcome the new Male Champions of Change Microsoft Partners Group.
December 2020, a decade after its formation, ‘Male Champions of Change’ change name to ‘Champions of Change Coalition’ with the tagline ‘men stepping up beside women on gender equality’. The name change reflects the evolution of the Champions of Change strategy and represents the current composition and collaboration of the Coalition – as Members are working side-by-side with many women leaders to accelerate progress on gender equality.

About Us
Our mission is to step up beside women to help achieve gender equality and a significant and sustainable increase in the representation of women in leadership.
Our Team
The Champions of Change Institute Team is made up of Program Directors and Managers to work with each Convenor, Group and their teams involved in the strategy.
Our Members
The Champions of Change coalition encompasses sixteen groups, amounting to over 270 leaders covering every major sector of the economy.
Find answers to some frequently asked questions about the Champions of Change Coalition strategy.