Male Champions of Change (MCC) have released their 2019 Impact Report (FY2018-19) detailing progress and outcomes in achieving gender equality, advancing more women into leadership and building respectful and inclusive working environments for all employees.

The report is believed to be one of the largest, voluntary public disclosures on gender equality in the workplace globally, representing 230 men and women CEO and Board-level leaders and organisations operating across 155 countries.

The results show collective year-on-year improvements on gender equality in every major employment category (see page 11 of the 2019 Impact Report for more detail).

Other key outcomes across the MCC coalition include:

  • 81.5% of members have achieved or improved gender balance overall;
  • 82.9% have rates of women’s promotions that are either gender balanced or greater than women’s representation overall;
  • 74.6% have achieved gender balance in recruitment that improved women’s representation in the past year;
  • 62. 4% have achieved or improved gender balance in key management personnel – roles such as Chief Financial Officer and Chief Operating Officer which are often on the critical pathway to CEO and Board-level positions.


The MCC Impact report is aimed at all those interested in advancing gender equality and tracking progress of the MCC strategy.