The Champions of Change Coalition is the new name for the Male Champions of Change strategy originally established in 2010 by then Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Elizabeth Broderick AO in response to the lack of women in leadership in Australia and a glacial pace of change for gender equality.
The Coalition first formed with the Founding Group which began with eight Australian leaders and has since grown to a group of 30 CEOs, Non-Executive Directors and leaders from government, academia, and the military. New groups have since formed across different organisations, sectors, professions and geographies.
The Coalition now encompasses 14 groups, amounting to over 260 leaders covering every major sector of the economy. Members meet together regularly in small action-orientated groups centered around a collective work plan, where they learn from and challenge their peers. As a Coalition we work collectively to publicly share our learnings and our progress. As individuals Members implement change within their organisations and publicly advocate for gender equality.
Cross-Industry Groups
The Founding Group was established in 2010 and comprises CEOs, Board Directors, Commonwealth Government Department Secretaries, University and Military leaders.
Based in Victoria, the National 2015 Group represents some of Australia’s most significant local, national and international organisations.
The National 2016 Group brings together a diverse range of significant Australian employers spanning government, retail, financial services, energy, mining, consumer goods and professional services sectors.
Members of National 2017 Group have a strong industrial manufacturing and transport focus, and work within traditionally male dominated environments.
The Pakistan Group includes representatives from various sectors including hospitality, telecommunications, information technology, micro-finance and sport.
Industry-Specific Groups
The Architecture Group is committed to working together to proactively address the issue of gender equality, and women’s representation in leadership in Australian architecture practices, and across the profession.
The Consult Australia Group brings together CEOs and Regional Managing Directors of some of Consult Australia’s premier member firms.
The Fire and Emergency Group includes Chief Executives and Commissioners leading more than 30 agencies responsible for fire, emergency and land management services across Australia and New Zealand.
The Energy Group includes representatives from the energy sector including energy generation and production, distribution, retail and resources businesses across Australia.
Members of the Insurance Group are committed to advancing gender equity, inclusive cultures and achieve significant and sustainable improvements in the representation of women in leadership
The Property Group brings together senior leaders across the industry’s development and construction, investment, funds management and agency sectors.
The Rail Group includes representatives from the rail and transport sector that are committed to advancing gender equity, inclusive cultures and achieve significant and sustainable improvements in the representation of women in leadership
The Sport Group includes representatives from major national sporting organisations and the leaders of some of Australia’s largest and most successful sporting clubs.
The STEM and Health Group exists to achieve inclusive gender equality acting at organisation, sector and national levels disrupting the status quo in these traditionally gendered sectors to drive significant and sustainable change.