Executive Summary
February 2024
As Members of the Champions of Change Coalition, we have closely monitored, taken action and reported on like-for-like gender pay gaps for many years. In our organisations like-for-like pay is tracked and regularly reviewed, with necessary salary adjustments made when disparities arise.
The Achieving equal pay in like-for-like roles toolkit, first released in 2016, provides practical tools developed to assist organisations to measure and close like-for-like gender pay gaps. This toolkit captures insights from Member action identifying and eliminating like-for-like pay gaps.
Taking action on closing like-for-like pay gaps complements action we take to understand and address the drivers of our organisation-wide gender pay gaps.
In February 2024 we welcomed the Australian Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s (WGEA’s) publication of median organisation-wide gender pay gap data to inform more effective strategies and actions to advance gender equality in the workplace and society. We released our median gender pay gap data along with case studies on the actions we have been taking to identify the drivers of our organisation-wide pay gaps and address these in our organisations – Closing the Gender Pay Gaps: our actions and commitment.
Closing all gender pay gaps requires leadership action and commitment. We have developed a suite of tools to support Members to take this action. This Toolkit supports leaders to maintain the action and vigilance required to close like-for-like gender pay gaps.