Playing Our Part

Executive Summary

November 2021

Champions of Change Coalition, in partnership with Challenge DV, No to Violence, Our Watch, The Full Stop Foundation, UNSW Gendered Violence Research Network and WESNET, today release a framework with practical actions and resources for organisations to advance their approach to the prevention and response to domestic and family violence in the workplace.

Playing Our Part: a Framework for Workplace Action on Domestic and family Violence is the fourth collaborative report to be published by the Champions of Change Coalition over the last 6 years of experimentation and evolution of practices and actions for workplaces to contribute to the prevention and response to domestic and family violence.

“When we started this work, we didn’t have the language or awareness to talk about domestic and family violence in our workplaces, it was difficult and uncomfortable. After 6 years of sharing, experimenting, and learning together – corporate and public sector leaders, domestic and family violence experts and advocates with lived experience – we are comfortable taking action on domestic and family violence in our workplaces. We recognise the inherent dignity of all and we will do whatever it takes to ensure all of our people are not only safe at work, but also safe at home.”

Elizabeth Broderick AO, Founder Champions of Change Coalition.

Domestic and family violence is a workplace issue:  it impacts employees and productivity

The impact of domestic and family violence extends to workplaces and has a negative impact on employee well-being, workplace health and safety and workforce productivity:

Violence against women and their children was estimated in 2016 to cost Australia $22billion annually
of women who have experienced or are currently experiencing domestic and family violence are in the paid workforce
Up to 78% of people who use domestic violence have done so during work hours using workplace resources

Workplaces play a part in identifying and responding to domestic and family violence – and make a difference

In 2021 the role workplaces can play in preventing and responding to domestic and family violence is becoming clearer: it demands a compassionate, empathetic and non-judgemental response. Effective processes and policies can enable employees experiencing domestic and family violence to seek support and receive assistance. Workplaces also play a role to support and encourage employees who use domestic and family violence to seek help to change their behaviour.

Domestic and family violence –  it’s everyone’s business to recognise, respond and refer

Since 2015 Champions of Change Members have been working closely with the domestic and family violence expert community and advocates with lived experience, learning, trialling and refining internal and referral programs to appropriately address domestic and family violence in their organisations.

In 2021 many Champions of Change Member organisations are modelling leading practice approaches to both employees who experience and those who use domestic violence:

  • more than 85% of Champions of Change Members have initiatives in place to support employees experiencing domestic and family violence, and
  • more than 70% of Champions of Change Member organisations have programs in place to respond to employees who use or may use domestic and family violence
  • more than 45% of Champions of Change Members organisations have initiatives that have a positive impact on domestic and family violence in the community

‘Playing Our Part’ was developed in collaboration with our partners:

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