Closing gender pay gaps Guide

Executive Summary

4 March 2025

The Closing gender pay gaps: Guide for leadership, transparency and employer action resource includes practical frameworks and templates to support well-informed conversations between organisations and stakeholders regarding employer gender pay gaps. It can help organisations focus the discussion on the key drivers of gender pay gaps and the importance of collaboration at an organisation, industry and national level.

Champions of Change Coalition supports public and granular reporting on gender pay gaps to drive organisational, sectoral and national awareness and action to advance gender equality and women’s economic security. 

In line with our long-term commitment to leadership and transparency on our progress as a Coalition, eligible Members share their gender pay gap data in our annual Impact Report.

Gender pay gaps represent the overall difference in earnings between men and women across the entire workforce. They are not suggesting men and women are paid differently for the same job, which has been a legal requirement in Australia since 1969.

Applying different ‘lenses’ to the review of employer gender pay gaps, such as by considering the average and median gaps and gender composition by pay quartile, makes clear the drivers of gender pay gap and actions required to close them.

It can also help organisations think through what they might like to include in their Employer Statement to support annual gender pay gap reporting by WGEA.

Companion documents include:

“Gender pay gaps highlight issues that are hard-wired into the Australian workforce—like unequal access to leadership roles, out-dated assumptions about suitable careers for women and men, pay differences across industries, and the impact of caregiving responsibilities on women’s careers, opportunities and pay.

The data reinforces that transparency, collaboration, and sustained leadership action can make a difference in addressing the drivers of gender pay gaps, while building inclusive workplaces that unlock the full potential of all people.” Annika Freyer, CEO Champions of Change Coalition

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