Trevor Danos AM
Non-Executive Director

Trevor Danos

Trevor is chair of Northern Sydney Local Health District and sits on the boards of Endeavour Energy and the privatised NSW Land Registry Office. He is chair of the NSW Treasury Social Investment Expert Advisory Group and is a member of the Australia-New Zealand SKA Coordination Committee for the Square Kilometre Array telescope.

Trevor chairs the Dean of Science’s Advisory Council at UNSW where he is an Adjunct Professor. He was previously a director of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and TransGrid and a member of the Cooperative Research Centres (CRC) Committee. He is the author of “The Pursuit of Excellence: A History of the Professor Harry Messel International Science School”.

He was made a Member of the Order of Australia on Australia Day 2014.

Updates from the STEM and Health Group

Champions of Change STEM and Health

Trevor Danos is a Member of the Champions of Change STEM and Health Group which was established in 2016. The Group reflects the diversity of STEM and Health organisations representing our national scientific research and data institutions, universities, technology, and engineering enterprises, aged care, hospital and primary health care providers, medical device and pharmaceuticals producers as well as government and peak professional organisations.

The Champions of Change STEM and Health Group exists to achieve inclusive gender equality acting at organisation, sector and national levels disrupting the status quoin these traditionally gendered sectors to drive significant and sustainable change.