The success of the strategy involves creating a ‘head’ and ‘heart’ connection.

Many leaders accept the rational case for change. This can be made using the abundance of data and research available within organisations or the community. It covers in detail the business, economic and social opportunities on offer through advancements in gender equality.

An emotional connection with gender equality often exists too. Men see the challenges faced by women in their lives and in their communities. They know they have the ability to influence or change the status quo.

Often, action starts on a small scale. Through the appointments they make, through their trust and respect for women and through the opportunities they make available or support.

Engaging leaders to take collective and widespread action involves bringing to life for them how ingrained systemic, conscious and unconscious gender bias is in organisations and communities.

Listening to the human stories shared by women and men (and not just through the advice of Human Resources advisors), is critical to building the emotional engagement and necessary sense of urgency required for tackling gender equality.