Our Position on Sexual Harassment

Take action on sexual harassment in the workplace

Sexual harassment is a societal issue and no organisation or workplace is immune. What we have been doing in the past has not been working. As leaders committed to accelerating gender equality in our organisations we know that we can use organisational systems to eradicate sexual harassment and it requires significant shifts.

Sexual Harassment Disrupting the system

‘Disrupting the System’ the full report
Preventing and responding to sexual harassment in the workplace

Sexual Harassment a critical leadership issue

1. Sexual Harassment: A critical leadership issue
Elevate the prevention of sexual harassment and early intervention as a leadership priority

Sexual harassment a workplace health and safety issue

2. Sexual Harassment: A workplace health and safety issue
Address sexual harassment as a workplace health and safety issue

Sexual harassment a guide to confidentially and transparency

3. Sexual Harassment: A guide to confidentiality and transparency
Introduce new principles on confidentiality and transparency for high-profile sexual harassment cases

Sexual Harassment inform and empower everyone to act

4. Sexual Harassment: Inform and empower everyone to act
Inform, empower and expect everyone to speak up and take action on sexual harassment in the workplace

sexual harassment respect and support impacted people

5. Sexual Harassment: Respect and support impacted people
Listen to, empower, respect and support people impacted

sexual harassment actions for leaders and organisations

Sexual Harassment: Actions for leaders and organisations
A ‘zero tolerance’ to sexual harassment needs to be backed up by substantive action

Sexual Harassment practical tools and resources

Sexual Harassment: Practical resources and tools
We share these resources so that you can adapt or adopt them for your own context and accelerate change.

sexual harassment respect and support impacted people

Sexual Harassment and the use of NDAs
Building trust through care, accountability
and transparency

Building confidence and trust in workplace responses to sexual harassment

Building confidence and trust in workplace responses to sexual harassment

16 Days of Activism Participation Guide

16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence Campaign:
Participation Guide

Sexual Harassment practical tools and resources

Respect@Work Portal
Creating safe, inclusive and respectful workplaces.

The Champions of Change Coalition is committed to identifying and sharing practical actions that leaders can take to improve gender equality in their organisations and in our society. Our approach is to Listen, Learn and Lead through action. We focus on understanding the facts, relevant research and importantly what has and hasn’t worked so we can take practical action to accelerate the pace of change.

We acknowledge the extensive research on the topic of sexual harassment by experts globally. We have paid particular attention to the landmark report, Respect@Work, arising from the National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces (National Inquiry) led by the Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins. With reference to this, we have sought to bring a CEO lens and the everyday experiences of employees across our Coalition to provide another layer of insight and compelling roadmap for action.