Andrew Stevens joined the Champions of Change Founding Group in 2011.
Andrew is currently a Non-Executive Director of Stockland Group Limited where he chairs the Sustainability Committee and is a member of the Risk and People and Culture Committees. Andrew is also a Non- Executive Director of oOh!Media Limited, and a member of the Audit and Risk, and Technology and Transformation Committees.
He is also the Chair of Industry Innovation and Science Australia and is the Data Standards Chair for the Consumer Data Right (CDR) in Australia.
Andrew has some 30 years’ experience in business and technology, most notably holding senior leadership roles at IBM for 12 years. As the Managing Director, Australia and New Zealand at IBM from 2011 to 2014, Andrew led the transformation of the business helping blue chip clients to derive business benefits from new and emerging technologies. Prior to this, Andrew was the Growth Markets Managing Partner, IBM Global Business Services having responsibility for Asia Pacific, Latin America, Central Europe, Middle East and Africa.
Andrew is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and New Zealand. Andrew Stevens is a member of the Stockland Audit and Sustainability Committees.
Andrew graduated from the University of New South Wales with a Bachelor of Commerce, majoring in Accounting, Finance and Systems and a Master of Commerce specialising in Marketing.
Andrew currently lives in Sydney with his wife Philippa and their three children.
Updates from the Founding Group
Updates from the STEM and Health Group
Champions of Change
Andrew Stevens is a Member of the Champions of Change Founding Group. The Founding Group was established in 2010 and comprises CEOs, Board Directors, Commonwealth Government Department Secretaries, University and Military leaders. Members of the Founding Group are committed to advance gender equality across their organisations and across the country. They focus on action in the areas of women’s representation in leadership, talent development, accountability and public advocacy.
Andrew is also a Member of the Champions of Change STEM and Health Group which was established in 2016. The Group reflects the diversity of STEM and Health organisations representing our national scientific research and data institutions, universities, technology, and engineering enterprises, aged care, hospital and primary health care providers, medical device and pharmaceuticals producers as well as government and peak professional organisations.
The Champions of Change STEM and Health Group exists to achieve inclusive gender equality acting at organisation, sector and national levels disrupting the status quoin these traditionally gendered sectors to drive significant and sustainable change.